Cotton Candy Sky
Another wonderful songbook from Zain Bikha. and Kube Publishing !⠀ ⠀ My kids love this book so much; they keep asking me to read it for them over and over before bed.⠀ ⠀ The name is so creative, and the colors and illustrations are very pleasing for kids to look at. The characters are all smiling, and so it makes kids feel happy to read it.⠀ ⠀ Another thing I like about songbooks is their repitition of the chorus. My KG daughter loved seeing these words over and trying to read them. (Some sight words included are the colors!) ⠀ ⠀ One of the reasons I like incorporating nasheeds and songbooks into my kid’s learning process is because I feel like they have an easier time with learning to read when a nasheed is playing for them to listen to and it makes reading more fun. ⠀ ⠀ This book does not have to be listened to with the nasheed, though. It stands alone as a good book without it.⠀ ⠀ I love the strong concept of family love in the story and how the pictures themselves are stories. It helps children associate Islam with being positive and happy. ⠀ I also really liked that dhikr was a big part of this book and in the form of clouds above the pictures. My daughter pointed out numerous parts where she recognizes the name of Allah in Arabic. Get yours from Crescent Moon Store and don’t forget to use my coupon MUSLIMMOMMYBLOG for ten percent off your order!
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