It Must Have Been You! by Zanib Mian illustrated by Fatima Mian

This rhyming 32 page book follows around a small girl, “about the same age as you,” who seems to make a mess every where she goes. She never lies or even responds to the accusations of her unintentional messes, as she gets caught each time by someone in her family who points their finger and identifies the clues that led them to their answer. Luckily, she uses this pattern to her advantage as she cleans up and makes her family a card resulting in hugs, kisses, and love.
Written for younger kids (4-6), the book is bright and colorful and very well done. Even two and three year olds will enjoy the sing-song rhythm and chunky engaging illustrations. The pages are thick and the binding solid, especially for a soft back book. The 10 x 10 square size works well for story time and bedtime alike. However, because the text is incorporated into the illustrations, if you are reading to a group, you will want to read it a few times before you present. Looking at it straight on, the word order is much more clear and if you are reading it with emerging readers, I would recommend pointing to the words as you read, so as to help guide your listeners. The fonts get a little crazy, which is part of the fun, but again may require some assistance to help the younger readers decipher the words. Older independent readers (up to age 7 perhaps) might like the slight challenge of figuring out what word comes next, so that the story makes sense.
The mom wears hijab and that is the only islamic reference or overt implication. A fun book that thus far with multiple readings has yet to get monotonous and boring, yay!