My Special Angels: The Two Noble Scribes by Razana Noor illustrated by Omar Burgess

The book starts with a brief introduction to Kiraman Katibin, the two recording angels, and reminds parents that before the age of maturity only the good deeds are recorded. That being established the book then works to develop the conscientiousness of having all of our actions recorded, so that we train ourselves from a young age to be mindful of what we do and say.
Following a precious little boy with fantastic hair, and a bit of a mischievous smile, the reader learns how we each have an angel on our right and left side. We learn how sharing makes the angel on the right happy, as does stopping ourselves from getting mad. We learn that its the little things and the big things, the stuff we do in public and the stuff that we think no one sees that get written down. The angel on the left notes down all the mistakes too, and these make the angel sad. But alhumdulillah apologies and forgiveness can rub away good deeds, guiding us on the path to jannah, inshaAllah.
The beautiful full color pictures are beyond adorable, and the rhyming couplets work perfect for preschoolers. The font, the playfulness of the text on each of the 24 pages, the hardbound book and the 10 x 10 size make this book absolutely perfect for books shelves and for story time. There is a glossary at the back that defines not just the Arabic words, but also some of the english vocabulary words that might need some explaining: glee, deeds, angels. My only complaint is that there isn’t a whole series of books by this author and illustrator coaching and guiding our little muslims in manners and basic belief.